Investors & Analysts Attend Free

DealFlow’s events are a success because of our strong relationships with the investment community. The focus of DealFlow Discovery Days is to connect investors with investment ideas in specific sectors, or around specific investment themes.

DealFlow Discovery Days offer a time efficient networking format to dive deep into the topics you care about.  Our programs feature industry thought leaders in a midtown New York setting, making it easy to join the action when it’s convenient for you.

Upcoming Events

DealFlow Discovery Day: Nuclear Energy

What You Can Expect

When you attend a DealFlow Discovery Day, you’re getting the benefit of 20+ years of DealFlow’s experience hosting financial conferences.
  • Hear from company executives presenting new projects and ideas, investment opportunities, and their plans for growth
  • Build in-person relationships with a community of professionals who follow the same sectors and trends as you
  • Participate in unlimited one-on-one meetings with companies and join group roundtable discussions
  • Hear from industry thought leaders in presentations and panel discussions, and join open Q&A sessions
  • Enjoy breakfast, lunch, and networking refreshments in a midtown New York setting where you can participate when it’s convenient for you

Who Qualifies to Attend for Free?

If you are seeking a free pass as an investor or analyst, we will consider applications that meet the following criteria:
  • You have the capabilities and intent to invest, or you are a professional investment analyst
  • You have interest in making private investments or purchasing public securities
  • You can provide a LinkedIn profile or other public professional profile which indicates you are an investor or professional analyst
  • You are not an investment banker
  • You do not work for an advisory, consulting, law, accounting, insurance, or other financial services firm that offers services to companies participating at our events (even if the intention is not to solicit your services)